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ADVENT: Better to light 1 candle than to curse the darkness...
John Tittmann: On the Road of Healing: China & Tibet
ELLEN, on your birthday, we thank you for creating your Gardens of Eden & Eating...
In the Presence of the Lord...
"I DEW!"...rElationship by thE numbErs: i'm a 4...2...nate man...
FRANK, Happy Arrival Day!
Gimme shelter from the storms of life...or, I'm going where those chilly winds don't blow...
The Cross and the Woodworker
Just another Mirth-filled, mirror-filled Monday: 2nd cup...
I'm Thankful for First Responders & Essential Care Workers
You take Jack my dog...
UNorthodox Easter: We Built this City on Rocks that Roll
Every Stroke You Make…I’ll Be Watching You…Terms&Conditions Apply: Read ‘em & weep
DEADicated to the one I love...my dancin' thru life partner...
CHANGE THAT HEALS: An Ongoing Cycle of Order…..Disorder…..Reorder…..
STAR DATE: 9/27/47-9/27/20 – A Day to Be Grateful for another yearly trip around the sun…
Montezuma’s Revenge: Man Bites Dog…Dog Bites Man…
Descent into HELL-arity
music humor images spiritual wonderer wanderer blogger on life ‘ s journey illuman men ‘ s spirituality balancing contemplation action