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Login/Sign up to comment. Please be respectful of differences - they are merely Skin Deep. Further down - at the level of soul - we are all One - in Spirit and in Truth.

Thomas Tittmann
Apr 8, 20242 min read
Cosmic Carl...Charlie...Mike...Bob...Jerry...feel free to add your name...
In 2nd post for Eclipse Day '24,
we get a little more spacey & hear from scientists, psalmists & musicians on how we can love one another..

Thomas Tittmann
Apr 8, 20242 min read
"I closed my eyes to see..." Experiencing life's eclipses through the cosmic inner visions of the Grateful Dead & Pink Floyd...
REFLECTIONS on light, vision, seeing...and how we are invited to "close our eyes to SEE...

Thomas Tittmann
Apr 5, 20245 min read
I felt the Earth move under my feet...The King is coming WOMEN
When the Earth's moving under our feet, we are movin' mountains...come listen to some women who are doing just that...

Thomas Tittmann
Apr 4, 20244 min read
For our kids' futures...Let’s make Nassau into NYC’s 6th county! It has a better recycling program...
Let's work together (civics, schools, etc.) to petition our elected officials to create recycling programs that benefit people and planet...

Thomas Tittmann
Apr 1, 20243 min read
"I DEW!"...rElationship by thE numbErs: i'm a 4...2...nate man...
A musical celebration of our 46 years TOGETHER

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 31, 20245 min read
Who'll roll away the Stones? Why the Dead, of course! ***
Presenting an Easter play in 4 acts celebrating MUSIC & gratefulness - as we explore the boundaries of life and afterlife

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 30, 20245 min read
Day 7: Holy Saturday provides us with some "tomb time" to consider where we might be scapegoating certain people or classes of people...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 29, 20244 min read
Day 6: How do we respond when our hopes are dashed, when our plans are changed, when someone we love is taken from us...???

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 28, 20244 min read
Welcome the stranger among you...Feed "them", House "her", Wash "their" feet, Shelter "him" from the storms...
Day 5: Do we welcome or scapegoat the strangers among us...those "different" from us?

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 27, 20244 min read
Every time a white mob lynched a black person, they lynched Jesus.
Day 4: A musical and meditative look into how we've come to accept mistreatment of people who are "different" from us...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 26, 20247 min read
SCAPEGOATS can return to their flocks as wounded healers...
Day 3 Passion Week - Fr. Richard and a few other well-sighted artists continue helping US see some of the ways WE exclude...cast out...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 25, 20243 min read
FRANK, Happy Arrival Day!
A musical remembrance of my father-in-law Frank Duffy on the anniversary of his arrival at his next stop. "Tickets please!"

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 25, 20244 min read
The Gospel in BOXER shorts: Sheep & ScapeGOATS
In Day 2, we'll see Jesus & the Grateful Dead were comfortable hanging around with & caring for those on the fringes of their societies...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 21, 20246 min read
Gimme shelter from the storms of life...or, I'm going where those chilly winds don't blow...
CRACKS...can help letting some stuff out...and other stuff in...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 17, 20244 min read
Erin Go BEAR...
Offerin' a little whimsy for this festive celebration...and reminding us all to STAY GRATEFUL today and every day...

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 13, 20245 min read
Dear Cadence, glad I came here tonight
Tonight, at the Long Beach Library I'll be sharing this Poem/Post inspired by Summer '23 "Poetry Under the Stars" at the Oceanside, Gazebo

Thomas Tittmann
Mar 5, 20242 min read
To James...from Tom & Jerry
My sister Mary asked me to share some of my Grateful Dead paraphernalia with her for a young man she knows named James..James loves the Dead

Thomas Tittmann
Feb 14, 20246 min read
Skateboard & Guitar in Hand...Part 2
In Pt 2, we travel around our shared world with&without skateboards BUT, always with guitar in hand...Looking for meaning...within & without

Thomas Tittmann
Feb 14, 20246 min read
Skateboard & Guitar in Hand...Part 1
Hop on up this musical, visual, historical look at the art of skateboarding prepared with love for the crew at Witches Brew Coffee House WH

Thomas Tittmann
Feb 9, 20243 min read
Jesus: A Red Cross worker...
Continuing our cross theme, imagine Jesus as a front-line Red Cross worker lending his hands and heart to those in need...of a miracle...
music humor images spiritual wonderer wanderer blogger on life ‘ s journey illuman men ‘ s spirituality balancing contemplation action
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