Login/Sign up to comment. Please be respectful of differences - they are merely Skin Deep. Further down - at the level of soul - we are all One - in Spirit and in Truth.
The Cross & Social Justice: “Followers” of Jesus (heads of church & state) enslaved indigenous peoples & took their lands…
The Cross & Social Justice: “Followers” of Jesus hung Black Bodies from trees…
Pedro, they say it's your birthday...Feliz cumpleaños!
A friend's inspiring poetry is riding PA buses...So,"The bus came by and I got on..."
Breathe it like Beckham*...Welcome to our world...
Footnotes: While our children are not our own...Let's inspire & support their dreams...
CAMEL LOT: Where Wise Men shop for used Camels
Mark Tarantino: "I'm gonna leave this broke down palace..."
HOW TO: Buy a used vehicle
Both/And "non-dual" seeing overcomes the limitations of Either/Or "dualistic"...thinking
Stranger than Friction: I only bought 1 used car from someone I didn't know...
Is there Sunday School, Baseball, & Acting in Heaven?
Men, Join me for Road Trippin' with some helpful companions...
Shine on, you crazy DiamondS...
Wishin' us a Grateful Chanukah!-2
Wishin' us a Grateful Chanukah!-1
Sergeant Pepper's UNITED Hearts Club Band
"I was gifted new eyes to see..."
Advent-1: "Venite, come buy more us..." [1]
Advent-2: Advent...Come again?
music humor images spiritual wonderer wanderer blogger on life ‘ s journey illuman men ‘ s spirituality balancing contemplation action