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27 Club - What will YOU do NOW until YOUR number is called?

Writer: Thomas TittmannThomas Tittmann

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED: This post contains POWER-FILLED musical medicine. If your nervous system is not adequately's best to take this in in small DOSES...

July 27...Hmm...seems like a perfect day to...

...muse about this number..."27"....

...adding the "2" and the "7" yields the number "9"

[Note to Travelers: Throwout [sic] this post you'll see text like this in square brackets that I added after my conscious brain came online and I was backfilling by adding songs to the phrases I typed while still mostly in my unconscious brain state - the one we inhabit just after waking...or meditating...or... deep relaxation...or an encounter with Nature...or...]

[Wanderer: B4 experiencing this next musical adventure, don a good pear of Apple HEADphones - so you'll exercise both the RIGHT and LEFT hemispheres of yer noggin]

[Wonderer: One more I awoke early this morning to start my tale, I was likely still under the magical influence of a movie I experienced with Eileen before we turned in - Mr. Magorian's Wonder Emporium...

My Mom delivered me in her 27th year - Thanks, Mom, for carrying me into existence...

I was born on a "27" - the 27th of September...also a "9" - the 9th month... 1947...which contains a "1" - a lonely number, as I was before meeting Eileen...

[...and she turned my Dark Knight's...into nights in white satin...] also contains a "9"...and we just saw what happens when that number is given the freedom to continue for as long as it wants...wants...wants...wants... also contains a "4" - a down rightly uprightly FABULOUS number...

...and, finally...or contains a "7"...a day on which is even G-d rested...

...GEEZ...if THAT dude can chill...HOW CUM we won't allow US to mellow out...

"US" - applies individually and corporally...corporately...

...HOW CUM "US" can't find a way to get chill together to...

...CUM TOGETHER...right now over ME...[to GO together is CUM together is divine...]

"It was 27 years ago today, the Sergeant taught the band to play" - OK, a little artistic license...on the number...and title, as you'll see in this clip...]


[...I didn't really know this last band...but that didn't matter as my musical Muse led me to that track simply because of it's name...I liked its ENERGY...]

...alright, I think my two typing fingers are sufficiently warmed up to begin my story...

...anybody relate to that??? Don't have to raise yer hand...but you could tap your foot or nod your head...Uh, I didn't say nod off...Why?'s only 4:55 AM ET...Oh, I didn't realize...your just gettin home...OK, I'll cut you some slack...

[...continuing Uncle John's message, which is SOOOO needed right now...

"Ain't no time to hate

Barely time to wait

Woah, oh, what I want to know

Where does the time go?"]

--Uncle John's Band - Grateful Dead (song link above with the lyrics)


...Hey, Tangent Master, where was I going??? (Curious seekers, it's OK to ask me WHO is the Tangent Master...and I'll tell you the story of when I first met him in 1968...)

...Hey, Mr. Conductor, where are you taking me??? And don't give me that crap, "Uh, I don't know, I'm just..." (you'll have to listen to that interminably loooooog song...all the way to...

...THE END...for his woeful reply...

[...that said, here are some hope-filled lyrics...that encourage me to keep on pushin...

[..."Reach out your hand, if your cup be empty

If your cup is full, may it be again

Let it be known there is a fountain

That was not made by the hands of men

There is a road, no simple highway

Between the dawn and the dark of night

And if you go, no one may follow

That path is for your steps alone"


The CLUB...Alley Oop, Oop, Oop...



John (Word Policeman: Don't pull me over...I wasn't speeding...and, as I told you earlier, I do have my artistic license...")



tOM 1974...livin in 27th in which Eileen was back in NY and... she tells the story now...she KNEW I was comin back for her...GEEZ, I didn't...

...but I'm 4ever GRATEFUL I did...

NOTE TO READER/FELLOW TRAVELER: I've gotten this far - all the words not in square brackets [ ] - on just early morning stream of consciousness (or unconsciousness). I've never done a post like this...I usually start in Word and do all my composing and finessing there and then copy and paste into my site. However, when I got up at 4 AM to use the JOHN...something...likely my musical Muse...invited... ME with her words...

...decidely DIFFERENT from "Same ol...same ol...same ol..."

...that said, on this BRAND NEW DAY - first one ever of it's kind...

...I'm blessed to be sitting before its BLANK CANVAS...and composing...

...GEEZ...sure beats DEcomposing...

...Hmm...wonder if I will stop...I was gonna type "SHOULD" stop...

...but am seriously trying to eliminate as many "SHOULD'S" as possible...

...maybe even "shit on my should's'"


I'm not tired...but you might be...especially if you gotta catch a plane, train or automobile...

...or are expecting a visit from the CANDYMAN..., I'll sratr...Huh? A guess one of my typing fingers is still a little sleepy..., I'll START backfilling by adding links to some of the phrases I typed above and below... and then offering one song for each of the 27 Club members...


...aforin' I start...let's have some fun...tell me what would be YOUR choice for the first song to include for each of the magical musical musicians in Club 27...

  1. text me: 516-850-2493

  2. email:

  3. Log in to my site and use the "COMMENT" field

  4. use the Vulcan "mind meld"

  5. just LOOK UP kiss the sky and yell out your answer...





JOHN...remember, I got the license...

I knew the above 4 by heart so I was curious to see if there were others...

...Yup! A LOT! So, I selected the following because I dug their sound...




..."and on the 7th day...She...He...They...rested..." [Genesis...the Bible Book not the band]

I don't know about you, but I wanna stay in the place John brought me to... I'll stop here in this REST AREA for what a new neighborhood friend calls...

...our BLUE/GREEN souls...see below..., let's APPLY what we've learned just now from these 27 Club members...and the others that are no longer walking this plain...but are with us nonetheless... we DO NOT miss the opportunities TODAY...

...I'm dedicating the above song to:

  1. Marc Fasanella - a new friend I met through the Poor People's Campaign (LI Region of the NYS PPC)...I'll be exploring this explorer in a future post...for now and for something completely different for a PhD dude, check out his "Collective Action Figures" page (click anywhere in the center frame to view the Professor in and out of character(s)....Like the next adventurer and visionary, Marc knows the critical importance of recovering awareness of our blue/green planet - our home...

  2. Michael Uhl - a newly discovered friend...right here in West Hempstead...who introduced me to his and my blue/green soul...and his nature sanctuary - right in the middle of town...I'll be doing a separate post on Michael...Teaser: It's no coincidence that Joni's song figures prominently in his life's work...In this 90-second video entitled "Wondering with Strangers," Michael asks a question that's relevant to so much in this post: "So let me ask you what do you think is the difference between an unknown stranger and a native - you know, someone we know and care about?"

  3. and all the other dreamers...

...that give me and US and I & I...HOPE...that our children will have a world in which they'll get back to and respect the GARDEN...and learn to find solace there...HERE...NOW...

"Strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hand..."


©2019 by A Soul in Wonder.

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