4:00 PM
...Just finished my first round of self care…
Morning centering prayer meditation
Kundalini yoga
Water miracle (shower)
Breakfast with and courtesy of Eileen
Feeding our backyard feathered friends
Daily walk around town
Daily visit to my friendly neighborhood baristas at Witches Brew Coffee House
…and sitting down now - 5:15 PM - to receive all of my virtual birthday well-wishers. Some of the following musings and those in the other "76" series birthday posts have - like the delicious coffee & tea at Witches Brew - "bean" percolating for such a day as this...I'll "leave" it to you to take or leave what interests you.
Oh! I see now how this post has way too many paths to fit into one sitting...or, even, one lifetime...So, I'll be creating several servings (i.e., posts)...See below...
Today’s ”T” leaves messages with Yogi
I always take some tea with Yogi during my Kundalini yoga practices...

The "Yogi" brand was started by the guy that introduced Kundalini yoga to America: Yogi Bhajan.
Speaking of tea...
Goldie's mention of "appliances" surfaced this classic from the Neo-Laughphic period:

The King bemoans that he didn't realize how popular he would become. He should have had an Egyptian version of Yogurt - nwho coulda helped him and his de$cendant$ c#sh in on his fame...

Sci-Fun: The science behind humor
Midlife Mantra *
"More parts work than don’t" 😘
* I'm planning for looooooongevity
Helpful lessons learned:
Self care is health care
As I love myself...I love you (Leviticus...Mark...Galatians...)
Listening to my life’s partner/helpmate companion guide
Friendships are essential nutrients
Spending time in nature
Keeping the gratitude in my attitude

These are a few of my favorite things:
Waking up next to Eileen
Current favorite instrument: Handpan (I'll be posting about it)
That first sip of coffee....Ahhh...
Our evening times enjoying movies together
Spending time with old and new friends
Walks in nature
Getting kissed by a dog like my neighbor's Bella
Enjoying the unwavering gaze of an infant

Philosophy with a Twist of Humor: PhD...Piled Higher and Deeper...

Occupation: Gladiator
"Did you kill last week"
"Did you try to kill?"
"Now listen. This is your last week of unemployment.Either you kill somebody next week or we're gonna have to change your status. You got it?"
"OK.Sign here."


"Stand up philosopher"...
Listen in...
When you die at Caesar's Palace...You really die...The danger of dissing the Emperor...

Take out...
...being the change...

Other 76 Posts

#music #humor #YogiTea #YogiBhajan #WitchesBrewCoffeeHouse #SmothersBrothers #LeighFrench #Goldie ##KingTut #SteveMartin #MelBrooks #Spaceballs #HistoryOfTheWorld #philosophy #JudyCollins #PeteSeeger