I’m here to promote Ann Marie Bermont’s new YouTube channel. Ann is daughter of my friend Steve who I’ve mentioned in other posts. A fellow surfer, Steve was my first automotive instructor, as he says: "we played together with cars."
Among my discoveries on Ann’s new channel, I enjoyed hearing her and her animated narrator - Emma provide a classical violin accompaniment to 3 children’s fables:
The Fable Project:
The Nightingale
Ferdinand the Bull
Violinist: Ann Marie Bermont
Narrator: Emma Tattenbaum-Fine
Here's the first: Rumpelstiltskin...the other two follow...
Rumpelstiltskin by the Brothers Grimm

In each tale, Ann provides emphatic violin and facial accompaniment to the spoken text...as in this scene where the reader has just told us that the greedy king on receiving his first straw-spun-into-gold, locks the poor miller's daughter away to spin more straw into gold...

The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen

The original text - updated with current IT terms - causes the emperor to banish the real nightingale in favor of his AI substitute. The humorous text put a smile on Ann's face...

Pretty soon, the head guy was using Ctrl, Alt, Del to try and fix the glitches. Frustrated, he became ill and his subjects could only visit him via Zoom.
The real deal heard about the emperor's misfortunes and returned to his bedside where he sang him to health.
Ferdinand The Bull by Munro Leaf

His favorite pastime: not snorting...but sniffing...

Ann's face captures Ferdinand's puffing and snorting after he sat on a bumble bee...

After Ferdinand is picked to the bullfight in Madrid, Ann alternates bowing and plucking...

WELL DONE - Both of you!!!

Disclaimer: Everything I know about classical music I learned from Looney Tunes...and our son John.
John - tickling the classical ivories

The Brothers Warner
