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Birthday Advice from a Sea Turtle

Writer: Thomas TittmannThomas Tittmann

Starting the party with that great song from 1967...when you were just...(see below)

...You were just 17...British Bubblegum...

Life is a shell game...

Just because of you know who...

...and the House always wins...or does it?

Now, to your physical card's wisdom...

Swim with the current...

Be a good navigator...

Calls for a song...

"You, who are on the road.. Must have a code that you can live by...And so, become yourself..."

Stay calm under pressure...Location...Location...Location...

Be well traveled...

Knowing your enjoyment of jazz...a song for your travels...

Think long term...

Age gracefully...

Spend time at the beach...

...and dress appropriately...(I have a license to ad lib...)

Repeat the lessons when needed...

Grateful we're not DEAD...

1977...and you were just 27...and on Eileen's birthday: May 28...

When life gets tough...Don't worry about keepin' your head ABOVE water...Learn to breathe UNDERwater...

Poem by: Sr. Carol Bieleck, RSCJ (from an unpublished work)

Read by: Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM

His book of the same name drew me to the wisdom of 12-Step spirituality...and I'm forever grateful...

Art imitating nature...we all live in a...


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