Like my earlier coffee-themed post today - Dedicated to the crew at Witches Brew Coffee House in West Hempstead where I enjoy my daily cup o' Joe, to Mary C M Phillips for her inspired wordplay at, my longtime friend DoryAnne - who brews a great cup and my neighbor Mike who first introduced me to Witches Brew.
Revealing the truth about why Moses went up the Mountain
The Search for the Holy Grail - a.k.a., the Perfect "Chalice" of the Sacred Bean
Mortar and Pestle
Several old recipes call for using a mortar and pestle to grind the beans into a paste before brewing.
The moment of truth...
Staying with the UK vibe...
COFFEE HACKS -- Grinding coffee using a mortar and pestle. Is it possible? - Alleyway Coffee (04:32)
When in Rome...
When in New York...
When in Space...
Coffee Tunes
The karmic reward for his rudeness to the musician at the front door...Let's watch to see how his tale turns out...
Make mine BLACK...
Fire from Southern Rockers...
Music for picking Coffee: Fire on the Mountain
Notice throughout this video how the people keep morphing into indigenous figures with native headgear and serapes...
#music #humor #coffee #Moses #HolyGrail #MontyPython #TenCommandments #mortar #pestle #DannyKaye #TheCourtJester #Rome #NewYork #space #MelBrooks #Spaceballs #MississippiJohnHurt #MarshallTuckerBand #GratefulDead #WitchesBrew #MaryCMPhillips #DoryAnne