Like Yogi is not your average bear, this Charlie is not your Schultz variety...he's COSMIC... and yet...very down-to-earth & GRATE-full.
While timeless, in my generation, he enjoyed Woodstock with fellow dreamers for a more peaceful and kinder world.

His mission here on earth was and still is to spread love, peace and joy to the world...

And the rest of the Peanuts Gang feel the same...

And they also influenced many of their contemporaries...

Cosmic Charlie
He puts a smile on everyone's face...

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Not Your Average Bear...KINDER...

A Night to be GRATE-FULL

NYC's Procession of the Ghouls - Friday 10/27/23
Enter...If you dare...the largest Gothic cathedral in the world...
...Let's join our narrators...
--I'm going again tomorrow night with a friend...I went with another friend in 2018. To bring some balance to the Forces of Darkness, I dressed as St. Francis of Assisi, complete with a bird's nest atop my head.

This year, I'm making a different outfit with a message of GRATEFULLNESS...
--at one point in the evening and after the Procession, they show a classic horror film on a big screen... the sanctuary above the altar
...and accompanied by the Cathedral's massive pipe organ...

Here's some of the backstory:
Full Procession:
2023 Procession
Using some of the images in this post and others, I crafted my "Cosmic Charlie Brown & the GRATEfull Pumpkin" get up. Shown here with two younger attendees.

My friend Donna joined me and crafted my topper on the way into the city...that never sleeps...

So, if we get confused...Listen to the music play...
...Let's join the party already in progress...
For Fans:
READERS: The Dead did another song: Mr. Charlie. There's a version on YouTube that features a Warners' Brothers cartoon over the cover by the Dead. This old song goes back to the days of slavery, has racist origins and I'll be covering this and others children's' racist cartoon in an upcoming post)
From my license plate collection:

Credits & Hashtags
Thanks to:
Blick's Artist Supplies - the largest of it's "KIND" in the nation - for most of my dress up
Fruit of the Loom for my fluorescent orange shirt
The Grateful Dead Family
Charles Schultz
The gods of humor...humour (UK)...schmaltz (the man members of the Tribe of Judah...under the care of Head Rabbi Mel Brooks...
...and some start with "a long, long time a...
