This post started as a Facebook post - third in a series "Summer Cum Louday" I just started on summer songs. I post and ask folks to play..."dance"'along and reply with their favs.
My intention was simple...but grew as my Muse utilized the services of other guides I count on:
Guru Google
Yogi YouTube
"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."
This combined energy turned my "work" time into PLAY TIME.
I love my "JOB"!!!
“Hear are” today’s offerings in sort of CHRONOS time…
Dancin’ in the Streets
Martha & the Vandellas (from 1964, Marvin Gaye contributed this classic)
The Mamas & The Papas (video ends at 2:15 but song continues to end of video)
Mick & David (their added countries now make this about dancin’ around the world)

Gym Time: Get ready for some "Callie-stenics"...
“GRATE” version of fans just following the Band’s “marchin’” orders and dancing in the streets. You’ll feel like you were/are there. FYI - the video repeats around midway (08:45), so, you can stop watching, put on yer dancin' shoes...or go bare-footin" and dance to the music (dig the "Sly" pun?).
Seeing that this show was at Cornell University in NY's Finger Lakes Region, I invited Jerry to give us his famous "4 & 1/2 finger" salute:

--I blogged about the video’s creative creator – Jack Abramson – in my post for Daze #5 of Jerry Week:
Takin' some artistic "post-etic" license here...and offering a dancin' song that contains the tune for the "sunny" image above:
Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion (an illustrated version) (02:08)
(The uploader added this description) "This is actual news footage from a seven-minute spot on the six o'clock news on CBS in 1967. The Grateful Dead live on Haight-Ashbury doing a street show. The video is a bit old, but the footage is awesome."
My Comments:
There is talk part way through by the news person speaking of the dangers for youth being sucked into the counter-culture of the era... but the music continues.
On the announcer’s remarks about the Dead ("style but no content") and young people dropping out from a culture they didn’t agree with and going to their own private spaces…I could and I’m sure many of you could weigh in on his biased perspective on this “heavy” topic…But, for now, take a look at the website for the Grateful Dead’s charitable wing: The Rex Foundation. I described this organization in my ninth and final post for Jerry Week in a 1988 video interview with Jerry. (miss you)
PLUS…each member of the band has been individually involved in giving back and encouraging us – their fans – to get involved in making our shared world a better place.
I wrote about Bob Weir’s role as spokesman for Headcount – an organization that shows up at music events to register concert-goers to vote.
I recently penned a piece on his 3-rd-eye involvement with Seva – an organization started by Ram Dass that performs remarkable eye care in underserved parts of our shared world.
In 2018 in my first blog post (“Music as Medicine -1”), I described the work Mickey Hart has been doing using music to help folks with cognitive impairment – an effort that includes collaboration with the world’s top neuroscientists such as Dr. Adam Gazzaley, Brooklyn-born (where else?) and working in San Francisco (ditto - where else???)…
(Source) Adam Gazzaley is an American neuroscientist, author, photographer, entrepreneur and inventor. He is the founder and executive director of Neuroscape and the David Dolby Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Physiology, and Psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco. He is co-founder and chief science advisor of Akili Interactive Labs and JAZZ Venture Partners. Gazzaley is the inventor of the first video game approved by the FDA as a medical treatment. He is a board of trustee member, science council member and fellow of the California Academy of Sciences. He has authored over 160 scientific articles.