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Every Stroke You Make…I’ll Be Watching You…Terms&Conditions Apply: Read ‘em & weep

Writer: Thomas TittmannThomas Tittmann

UPDATED/ADDED: The "morning after..." - SEE THIS NOTE BELOW

This post like so many others developed from a "day in a life" of...ME. (song link near the end as well as a playlist of all 13 tunes)

I was part of a text conversation with friends in which Mike shared a photo of himself in fatigues from his Vietnam War days. I noticed that another friend was missing. Let's eavesdrop together...after all, the Big (BR)others are already listening in...

(Reply to my friends) Just realized that another friend and veteran - Gregory - is missing from this foxhole.

We'll have to start a new hole (thread) - as there's no way to add someone else to a thread that contains Androiders and iPhoners.

Hmm...yet another example of exclusion (***)

*** Terms and Conditions Apply...Documentary...

*** Terms and conditions apply

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*** Terms and conditions apply

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I was just playing around with this and found there's a serious film about this: now it's probably even worse...keep reading...

Deception is hobbit-forming...

*** ERRreverent...

FIGuratively speaking...

*** No Shirt...No Shoes...No Service...

*** IF...The Garden was in China instead of "Rome"...

UPDATED/ADDED: The "morning after..."

*** IF...there was a parking lot in the Garden...

UPDATED/ADDED: The "morning after..."

This next song was added "the morning after" as it fits right in to this "tail"/tale with it's inclusion of these related themes: New York Yankees, baseball, "commitment"...

...BUT...with this important exception: Adam and Eve were vegetarians...

*** Let's go back again to the beginning...GENESIS...

--seeing how a dream was a key part of this song...please see "*** For this is all a dream..." section in this post...

*** Apple, too, Sells Our Data...

The company's deal with Google is lucrative, but it's hard to square with its values.

Note the "Privacy Policy and Terms of Use" link at the bottom of this webpage.

*** I’ll Be Watching You...

The above (and other) Big Brothers are Watching Us...

--watch the 1-minute video to SEE what they SEE...ME...YOU...everyone else...

Personally, I prefer this next KIND of Big Sister/Brother:

*** For What It’$ Worth…

"Paranoia strikes deep...into your heart it will creep…"

*** Every Stroke You Make...I'll Be Watching You...

Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you. Every single day Every word you say Every game you play Every night you stay I'll be watching you. Oh can't you see You belong to me?

…your data belongs to me…

*** Androids vs. iPhoners

*** We Gotta Get Back to the Garden

*** "For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago..."

Didn't plan this but it just happened. See, one of the guys in our text group - Steve B - says

"There's a Grateful Dead song for every occasion."

And he's right...ON...a song about dreams...

--amazing dreamlike images

--on this day in 1988, our son John was incubating comfortably in Eileen's belly until his arrival on 10/8/88. That he would be involved in music was announced over the Mercy Hospital (RVC) PA system - as he emerged just after midnight to two prophetic tunes:

--as I listened I was amazed but not surprised that the lyrics sang of several themes in the post: rain, Eden, first's, new day...

---extra likes for the VW Bus. My brother Mike had a '61, I had a '65 and our friend in heaven: Chickie had a "new" '68 like to one in this video.

*** A Day in the Life - tOM (me)

I awoke this morning (Friday) confused and fearful from a night of frightful dreams. For sometime I've been in a time of major change that's been challenging some of my longstanding behaviors and inviting me to let some well as start some new ones...and to pray for "the wisdom to know the difference" - as the 12 Steps wisely state.

I am blessed with some great companions for such a time as this. Earlier, I mentioned some friends I was texting with. I was fortunate a few years ago to reconnect with these guys from my 20's. But, this morning, I needed someone closer to home - my mate of 44+ years: EILEEN.

Now 75, some time ago, I decided to start showing up in our relationship. And this morning, as we talked, her loving companionship really helped me navigating my troubled waters. For starters, her perspectives allowed me to let go of trying to "figure it all out" and just focus on the basics: centering prayer meditation, eating breakfast, going for a walk, listening to music, and visiting the crew at Witches Brew Coffee House...where, when I asked Kareem to concoct something that would pick up my spirits, he served up a caramel delight...just what the Coffee House Witch Doctor recommended!!!

Later, Eileen had a wonderful evening prepared for us: tasty food and an hilarious movie.

--Starring Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd - and includes cameos by Yankee Stadium, lots of NYC street scenes, NYPD's Finest, and one LOL scene after another. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Personal Note: When I was 16, I began my my junior year at Power Memorial Academy in NYC (when Lou Alcindor/Kareem Abdul Jabbar played center) but ended up missing it when I contracted rheumatic fever and had to remain bedridden for months. In the spring, I was able to go outside and started acting...OUT. It seems the fever left my heart and went to my brain. Years later, I was told I had contracted rheumatic encephalopathy.

This combined with raging hormones and just being 16 led to a lot of aberrant behavior - which resulted in arrests and several admissions to various psychiatric hospitals. Fortunately, like the Prodigal Son, and with help from a very cool NYC psychiatrist, I "came to my senses" and was able to return to Power and restart my junior year...

Sent from my iPhone


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