A variety of ways to come together...
Dec. 8: 3-5 pm Annual Holiday event @ West Hempstead's "Holiday at Hall's Pond"
--food, music, crafts...Intersection of Hempstead Ave & Nassau Blvd
Dec. 9: 1-2:30 PM "Beatles vs. Stones"
--ZOOM: Keith Crocker's animated lecture with clips
Dec. 14 8-9:30 AM Men2Men Brentwood, NY
--monthly men's circle...starts with full cafeteria breakfast...
Dec. 14: 1 PM - "SHE SPEAKS: Women of the Bible Have Their Say"
--Theater troupe @ Islip Arts Council South Shore Mall Bay Shore, NY
Now thru Jan. 3: Creche exhibit Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood, NY
--while not open to the public, you can view 2023 highlights in this post
Now thru end of Jan.: Pedro Charvac's Art Exhibition W. Babylon NY Library
Jan. 18 2-5 PM Art Share: "The Spiritual Purpose of Life's Journey" Valley Stream, NY
Moving beyond presents..."Enough" - Kevin Griffin
Musical Meditation: "Winter Solstice Dreaming" - Estas Tonne

Sun. Dec. 8 Holiday at Hall's 3-5 PM

Holiday Fun at Halls Pond!
Where: Intersection of Hempstead Ave & Nassau Blvd W. Hempstead
When: 3-5 PM
Meet me at my station: the popcorn cart
Join us this Sunday, December 8th, at 3 PM as the West Hempstead Community Support and Civic Association kicks off the holiday season with ‘Holiday at Halls Pond”!
We caught up with association president Maureen Mahoney at Halls Pond, where she gave us an exciting preview of the festivities including crafts, entertainment, food (including kosher hot chocolate and cookies!) & Tree and Menorah lighting at 4:30 PM
Plus, Maureen shares her vision for 2025, her thoughts on the community, and how YOU can get involved in this vital organization. Don’t miss out—come down to Halls Pond this Sunday and celebrate with neighbors and friends!
In the event of rain or snow, the event will be held at the West Hempstead Secondary School North Cafeteria.

Mon. Dec. 9 "Beatles vs Stones" 1-2:30 PM
Film maven and friend Keith Crocker frequently presents on music and horror.
--Free Zoom courtesy of LIU's Hutton House.
"Two of the most popular rock and roll acts to emerge from England engaged in friendly
fire during the turbulent 1960’s. Both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones fought hard to
dominate the airwaves and keep their songs on the #1 charts. Join us as we examine the
relationship between these hit-makers, as well as analyze each group’s style of music and
mutual respect for each other. You will learn how other British musical acts were influenced
by the genius songwriting of both Lennon and McCartney and Jagger and Richards."

Sat. Dec. 14 8-9:30 AM Men2Men breakfast and circle time
Where: Sisters of St. Joseph Campus, Bldg 4 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood NY 11717
Take some time away from the hustle and bustle as we gather together to consider the changing of the seasons of our individual and collective lives.
If interested, text me (516-850-2493) and I'll give you the guy who handles registration.
Sat. Dec. 14 1 PM Acting troupe "SHE SPEAKS: Women of the Bible Have Their Say"
Where: Islip Arts Council @ South Shore Mall 1701 Sunrise Hwy Bay Shore, NY

Now thru Jan. 3: Exhibition of Christmas Creches
Where: Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood Campus Kean Center Bldg. 5
1725 Brentwood Road Brentwood, NY 11717
Due to staffing limitations, it's not open to the public. BUT, continue reading below to enjoy last year's event and a walkthrough video.
Enjoyed last year's inaugural event. Here's my friend Ray's driftwood entry into the exhibit. He calls it "De Mari" (Latin for "of the sea"). He fashions these from driftwood he collects.

--includes this 30-minute video of the 2023 exhibit:
--Please excuse my amateur status...
Now thru end of Jan.: Friend Pedro Charvac's Art Exhibition
Where: West Babylon Public Library 211 New York 109, West Babylon, NY 11704
--In lobby near Gallery area
Hours: Sun. 1-5 pm Mon.-Thu. 10-9 Fri./Sat. 10-5

Stairway to Heaven...

Includes his self-portrait:

His homeland: Guatemala

Baha'i Community Art Share: Come and create your own expression
When:Sat. Jan. 18 2-5 PM
Where: Baha'i Cultural Center 11 West Jamaica Ave Valley Stream, NY
Eileen and I have enjoyed many in this series that rotates among written, visual, performing and musical arts...

Moving Beyond Presents..."Enough" - Kevin Griffin

To listen to "Enough", log into your Spotify account:

Seasonal Meditation...

#music #art #theater #meditation #HallsPond #WestHempstead #WestHempsteadCommunitySupportandCivicAssociation #KeithCrocker #JanetRudolph #SistersOfStJoseph #PedroCharvac #KevinGriffin #EstasTonne #LIBahaiCommunity #EstasTonne