Originally sent as an email on 12/5/19
To my Paesans (those who are Italian and those that wish they were):
Of all the posts I’ve sent to date, this one got the most replies and in just a few hours.
So, Foodies, in the spirit of “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission,” I beg your indulgence for sending this last (supper) version. It includes some new material from my sister Julie, my brother Peter as well as some food-related music and other things to chew on.
Saw this meme this morning while working on a serious topic and decided to take a break, have a little fun and share it with you…

And here are three more I received last week from my sister Julie, who sent them as a forward from her friend Marge:

--this supports my saying, “Food is a carrier for the sauce.”

--bacon your pardon…with apologies to my vegetarian friends…
Today, I went foraging and found several articles about the business in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle that’s the sauce of this humor. This posting explains its origins and how popular their signs have become.
Here are a few more of their punny signs I harvested from articles and the sign’s Facebook page (they’re also on Twitter).

--proving it’s better to be late for supper…and alive

You can view more of their funny signs here. And here on their Facebook page.
Here are some food-related movies Eileen and I have enjoyed.
Chef (0:02:19)
--very funny tale of a gourmet chef who ends up doing the food truck thing
(Personal note: The absolute best corn muffins I’ve ever had were the ones from the food truck that serviced Port Lincoln-Mercury where I was a mechanic. They were warm, dripping with butter and came wrapped in cellophane. Any more and I’d better find a meeting.)
Julie & Julia (0:02:33)
--interweaves two tales: Julia Childs and a blogger who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child's cookbook in 365 days According to Wikipedia the film is the first major motion picture based on a blog.
The film includes an excerpt from SNL’s Dan Aykroyd Julia Child skit. (0:04:03)
Chocolat (0:01:58)
--just watch it…
If this stimulates your appetite for more food films, here’s a list of 21 that happens to include the three above.
Sweetly singing o’er the grahams
Bubblegum Music
Sugar, Sugar – The Archies (0:02:46)
--the first song in a long playlist entitled “60’s Bubblegum Sunshine POP!” Here are some of the food-related ones in this playlist:
Chewy, Chewy - Ohio Express (0:02:47)
Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy – Ohio Express (0:02:18)
Bubble Gum Music - The Rock & Roll Dubble Bubble Trading Card Co. of Philadelphia-19141 (0:02:44)
No Milk Today – Herman’s Hermits (0:02:43) Song meanings for non-UK chaps.
The Banana Splits were also included in the playlist.
Tra la la – The Banana Splits (0:01:29)
This was the theme song for the Banana Splits Hanna-Barbara TV show. According to Wikipedia, The Banana Splits' bubblegum pop rock and roll was provided by studio professionals, including Al Kooper, Barry White , and Gene Pitney.
The show featured animated and live-action segments. Here is one of their “Three Musketeers” animated clips (0:00:30). In this time of increasing focus on gun violence, note the ending message to children and adults watching with them.
Candy Girl – The Four Seasons (Seasonings) (0:02:33)
Make America Chew Again

--did you ever save these and redeem the prizes?
Rockers: If after listening to the above saccharine music, you might feel like you’re in music hell and be tempted to get a bazooka and use it to skeet-shoot some of these 45’s. Instead, step away from the Victrola, calm yourself by putting on some Led Zeppelin or other favorite and climb your Stairway to Heaven (0:10:39). You could also mangia on some rock candy…
Rock candy for Advent and Christmas
The Existence - Angels we have heard on high (Rock Version) (0:03:45)
This Aussie band’s version of the classic Christmas song might inspire some musicians I know at Church of the Intercessor to do their own rock versions of Christmas classics.
How about it, Fr. Joe and the Red Words Band?
Don’t play guitar? Don’t fret or be strung out… Here’s a virtual option if you’re a gamer or, like me, only play an air guitar…
Before leaving Candyland, here’s an animated food-related folk song from 1905:
And this classic movie song…
In 1972 Sammy Davis, Jr. had a #1 hit with his version (0:02:11).
How many of you remember our neighborhood candy stores where we’d trade our hard earned allowances and birthday money for SUGAR. These confectioneries were strategically located near my grammar school and local playground in Richmond Hill – Smokey Park. The Willy Wonka video clip reminded me of these oases.
For those of you that grew up in or near Richmond Hill…Smokey is now called “Phil ‘Scooter’ Rizzuto Park" – kinda fits in with the Italian themes in this post. The park even has a Facebook page.
…or mangia on some comfort food
Let there be pizza on earth and let it be there for me…

Find the Popes in the Pizza Contest (0:06:29)
--Fr. Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live
My brother Peter replied to the first update with the following:
Despite what Guido said, he didn’t offer the pope a “pizza the action”.
Menu of Quotes
Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. -Voltaire
Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. -Doug Larson
I’ll bet what motivated the British to colonize so much of the world is that they were just looking for a decent meal. -Martha Harrison
Note: The above quote does not apply to Middle Earth as we’ve seen that some of the inhabitants, such as hobbits and dwarves, know how to enjoy a good meal. (0:04:38) Hey, is it time for “second breakfast”, “elevensies”…?

Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks. -Marilyn Wann
Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. -Jim Davis
OK – here’s one serious take on the subject…the Bread of Life…we become what we eat.

Bon appetite! Or…
Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we diet!