WELCOME! Come meet some of the people and places that are enriching my current experience of life.
I'm offering them in a new way for me...For much of my adult life, I've been more focused on the tasks rather than the relationships...As this has been gradually shifting, I find that I'm starting to pay more attention to developing relationships with the people with whom I'm doing things.
With some of these folks, we are meeting in places that are conducive to the formation of ties: sacred spaces like peoples' homes, outdoor habitats, restaurants/coffee houses...WHERE we frequently share meals.
Here's a song to start us off...it expresses how life is better when we're together...
Listing of upcoming opportunities. If you are interested or just have questions, please call or text me: 516-850-2493.
Sat. Sept. 9 8-9:30 am (and every 2nd Sat.)
Sisters of St. Joseph Campus
1725 Brentwood Road, Bldg 4
Brentwood, NY 11717
To register: Call 631-273-1187 x411 (Mon-Thu 8 am-4pm) or email: sdfp@csjbrentwood.org
On the second Saturday of every month, we meet in Brentwood for breakfast and then gather in a circle for topics to equip us for our various roles as sons, husbands, fathers, employers/employees...and participating members of our communities. These meetings developed from the early mens' work of Fr. Richard Rohr. I consider him my primary un-packer of spiritual matters.
Note: This Brentwood campus is sacred ground and includes an organic Thera Farms, solar array, cosmic walk and a labyrinth. I will be posting about these. Until then, check out these two posts about Thera Farms:
Baha'i Fellowship
For some time now, Eileen and I have been meeting regularly a few times each month with these folks to chew on topics "of consequence" for Long Island and our shared planetary home. These often involve various forms of social injustice. As part of these gatherings, we often share a meal. Earlier this year, we joined in a celebration called "Dances of Universal Peace" in Valley Stream. See more below.
September Baha'i Gatherings
Sun. Sept. 17 5-7 pm
Movie, discussion and dinner
Bay Shore
Wed. Sep. 20 11 am-1 pm
Gathering and lunch at Hidden Oak Cafe
Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park
440 Montauk Hwy
Great River, NY 11739
Sat. Sep. 30 7:30-9:30 pm
Conversations of Consequence
Bay Shore
Dance of Universal Peace
Dances of Universal Peace (March 2023)

Sun. Oct. 1 3:30-5:30
Still Mind Zendo
37 West 17th St.# 6W
NYC, NY 10011 (between 5th & 6th Avenues)
Future dances here: All Sundays: Oct. 29 3:30-5:30 pm, Nov. 19 2-4 pm Dec. 17 3:30-5:30 pm AND they hope to be dancing again soon on Long Island.
Multicultural Solidarity of Long Island - Diversity Friendship Listening Circles
Regular Zoom and some live gatherings (see below). These meetings, like those with our Baha'i friends, are enabling me to meet with...sit across the table from...people I previously didn't have much contact with. Hearing stories of prejudice and mistreatment because of skin color, gender, ethnicity or religion - FROM PEOPLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME - is opening my mind and heart much more powerfully that simply reading a book or watching a documentary about discrimination.
Tues. Sept. 12 6-8:30 pm
Pot luck get together
Setauket, LI
To find out about other events, send an email to the following address:
Email address: multiculturalsolidarity@gmail.com

Indigenous Peoples' Day
Mon. Oct. 9 11 am - 12 pm
Indigenous Peoples Day Labyrinth Walk
St. Francis Church
1692 Bellmore Ave Bellmore, NY 11710
Eileen and I have previously walked this path with guide Janet Rudolph. Join us for a walk commemorating our indigenous inhabitants of Long Island.

Fri. Oct. 27 7-9 pm
Halloween Extravaganza
Cathedral of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street New York, NY 10025 (212) 316-7540 info@stjohndivine.org
[from the website-see link below] The Cathedral's beloved annual Halloween celebration returns for 2023! Following the film screening of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari with live organ accompaniment, ghouls and goblins from the Mettawee River Theater Company emerge to scare and delight audiences. Mark your calendar for an evening of classic thrills, spooky chills, and autumnal spells!
Church Website Click here to reserve your free tickets for either of 2 times: 7 pm or 10 pm
In April of this year, I included the following snapshot of this fun evening:
--I went with an adventurous friend in 2018. To bring some balance to the Forces of Darkness, I dressed as St. Francis of Assisi, complete with a bird's nest atop my head.

--at one point in the evening, they show a classic horror film on a big screen...
...in the sanctuary above the altar
Tai Chi @ Hempstead Lake State Park
Over a year ago, one of my surfing and hanging out friends from our Roaring 20's days invited me to join him and a few other people in learning the ancient art of Tai Chi and other related practices. These are helping me with my balance, flexibility and general well-being.
We meet every Tuesday & Thursday from 7:30-9:00 am in Hempstead Lake State Park at the low dock by Parking Lots 2-3.
Here's our setting. On my YouTube channel near this video, you'll find others showing my friend Richie demonstrating two of the TaiChi forms we're learning.

Keith Crocker Film Presentations: Sept. & Oct.
I've posted before about Keith. He's an animated and fun presenter and his followers are pretty ghoul...cool, too. He frequently presents on music and horror. A copy of his current email blast follows.

Hello Constituency,
Here is my September/October 2023 calendar of events. I ask that you hold on to this email so you can reference it as needed.
Cumberland Adult Ed - Great Neck
As far as Adult Education goes, I'll be doing two dates at Cumberland Adult education in Great Neck. September 13 at 11am I'll be doing The Beatles and Beyond and September 20 at 11am I'll be doing The Three B's: Bob, Beatles and the Byrds. You can sign up for these right here- https://www.flipsnack.com/98775BBBDC9/fall-2023/full-view.html.
LIU Hutton House
In October I will be at Hutton House doing film discussions and screenings. On October 16 at 1pm I'll be doing a 90 year anniversary screening of King Kong (1933). On October 23 and 30 I'll be paying tribute to director Michael (Casablanca) Curtiz and showing two of his horror film classics: Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) and The Walking Dead (1935). Don't miss these- liu.edu/Hutton .
Library Presentations- "Happy Halloween"
Please contact these libraries regarding registration requirements.
Friday, September 8 1pm Sachem library "A History of Laurel and Hardy" Monday, September 11 1pm Bryant library Film Noir Theater - The Leopard Man (1943) Tuesday, September 12 7pm Franklin Square library "A History of the Singer/Songwriter" Friday, September 15 1pm East Meadow library Pop Culture - The Body Snatcher (1945) Tuesday, September 19 7pm East Meadow library - Drive in Theater- The Witches Mirror (1962) on 16mm.

Wednesday, September 27 1pm Bryant library - Virtual - Peter Cushing star profile Tuesday, October 10 1pm Sachem library - World of Hammer - Curse of Frankenstein
Thursday, October 12 1pm Bryant library - virtual - Christopher Lee star profile
Friday, October 20 1pm East Meadow library Pop Culture - The Flesh and the Fiends (1959)
Tuesday, October 24 1pm Bryant library Film Noir Theater - I Walked With A Zombie (1943) Wednesday, October 25 1pm Elmont library - Christopher Lee star profile Wednesday, October 25 6:30pm Mineola library - Edgar Allan Poe Cinema Sunday, October 29 2pm North Babylon library - Christopher Lee star profile
Monday, October 30 6:30pm North Bellmore library - Peter Cushing star profile
In between these listed programs I'm usually booked by private organizations which of course I don't list here. If you are part of any of these organizations my bookings will be listed on their calendars.
Folks, I ask that you please register at each library for each presentation or screening, as these days libraries seem to require this.
Also, I know many of you may already know this, but I have a side business that specializes in transferring 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm to disc or thumb drive. I can also put VHS & Beta to disc, 8mm video to disc, etc...So feel free to email me or hit me up after a presentation if you are in need of such services. I can supply testimonials as well. As always, I thank each and every one of you for your support. Kindest regards, Keith J. Crocker Cinematic Seminars drfaustusmd@verizon.net
#music #humor #relationships #Men2Men #Bahai #MulticulturalSolidarityOfLIDiversityFriendshipListeningCircles #KeithCrocker #TaiChi #Richie #IndigenousPeoplesDay #Halloween #CathedralOfStJohnTheDivine #DancesOfUniversalPeace