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Takin' it to the Street Artists-1: Jesse Kreuzer...Mural, mural on the wall...

Writer: Thomas TittmannThomas Tittmann

Lookin' at issues BIG and small...

FOR RAMI...and other lovers of this genre...

AND his artist Dad - Farhan...

IN A RUSH??? Scroll down and click the "Undivided" link (06:37) that's under the first image.

Before our feet hit the pavement, let's get in the mood...So, take 5...Naw, 10...

--with appropriate images from our historic struggles to get & remain free...

--Carly Simon joins the Doobie Brothers and friends...

Remember, while the words in this song are easy to shout to our elected officials, the real work begins in our own hearts and continues out into our families and to our neighbors...


A friend sent me a link to Jesse's recent video on this piece he calls "UNDIVIDED." He created it out among the people so he could engage passers-by...hear their views and share his with them. He intentionally did it in a way so it's beauty would invite people to look at potentially difficult subjects without looking away...and also to enable them to keep seeing the images after they left. His hope was that they would walk away thinking about what they saw in ways they previously hadn't been able to.

--in the video, Jesse talks about this work. There's so much wisdom in his observations...

The words of the prophets are written on subway walls, tenement halls and now museum window barricades..."Do you hear the people sing...?"

Painted (31' X 10') on the Whitney Museum’s plywood barricade during 2020 lockdown and protests. Removed by the museum (see article below under "Meet the Artist").

Here's a scene from his video:


--Check out all his inspirational photographs on the murals and sculptures links

I liked the ones where he's climbing in trees, up walls...

These two remind me of these lyrics from the Grateful Dead's "Playing in the Band" (09:23):

"Some folks look for answers

Others look for fights

Some folks up in treetops

Just look to see the sights"

"Standing on a tower

World at my command

You just keep a turning

While I'm playing in the band"

---includes these two pieces below as well as many by other artists from the NYC/NJ Metro area

This text appears on this BSA site under this work (with my added emphases-Red, Bold):

--“Jesse Kreuzer is a lifelong artist (he received an MFA from Cornell in 2016). In addition to painting, he makes videos, sculpture and performance pieces, and yet, “I usually feel like an outsider to the art world.” In fact, during this year’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations, one of his Diego Rivera–inspired murals painted on plywood used to protect the Whitney Museum of Art was summarily removed. “There is a certain irony here,” he wrote in New Politics, “since the current exhibit is about the Mexican muralists and their influence on American painters.” – PRINT – Jesse Kreuzer (photo © Jaime Rojo)


--haunting images on our inhumanity...

For our Children...and theirs...

For my Surfin' Buddies...

For all of us...

Lyrics include a quote by Angela Davis:

"I'm no longer accepting what I cannot change, I'm changing what I cannot accept."

Other posts in this series...


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