UPDATED 6/17/23
My wife and I have lived in West Hempstead for over 25 years. We live on New York Avenue directly across from the George Washington Elementary School and love the multicultural nature of our neighborhood. Our son John attended school here from 5th through 12th grades, graduating in 2006. Besides his academic endeavors, he also enjoyed participating in music, playing trumpet and piano.
NEVER cut funding for the arts!!!
I walk around town every day...usually planning my route based on what plants are in bloom. Now 75, my day is complete if either of the following occurs: I get kissed by a dog...or I enjoy gazing back at a baby in a carriage.
6/17/23: Met these young activists earlier today at Stop & Shop taking things into their own hands and engaging shoppers and handing out information...
...Appears they got the memo about celebrating our town's diversity.

...with Mom...Teach your children well...

2023 School Budget Revote Info
The re-vote is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the West Hempstead Secondary School’s North Gym. The voter registration deadline is June 16.
West Hempstead Secondary School
400 Nassau Blvd West Hempstead, NY 11552
Phone: (516) 390-3214
Fax: (516) 489-1769
Celebrating West Hempstead's Multicultural Flavors
Here's my contribution to our efforts to gather support for our school budget:

Next time we vote on our budget, let's have signs in all the languages of our diverse town.
I enjoy the wonderfully multicultural nature of our town...As I'm sitting here on my porch writing this, a young Sikh boy walked by wearing his traditional head covering like in this photo:

Frequently, I see adult Sikh men meeting their children and grandchildren at school. As a longtime practitioner of kundalini yoga, seeing these folks adorned with their traditional turbans and beards right in my neighborhood makes me feel at home. None yet have showed up carrying guitars : )))
At the end, I've included a musical example from this tradition below. The guys in this next photo are part of the GuruGanesha Band that I've enjoyed in concert on Long Island.

Occasionally, I'll notice women in saris. We also have a Chinese community, as well as Creoles from Jamaica…and many more folks from our global community.
BTW - I've enjoyed meeting Martin - the GW security person who also hails from Bob Marley's homeland.
Let's celebrate our diversity by showing our children that we can live and work together...
Music Brings Us Together...
Playing for Change is dedicated to uniting the world through music. As part of their mission, they've established a 501C3 Foundation that creates music programs, so children in under-served parts of our common home can experience the benefits of a musical education.

Celebrating 10 Years of Positive Change Through Music | Playing For Change Foundation (01:54) 2023: NOW 15 years

Sikh...and you shall find...Joy...
Two of my favorite musical artists from the Sikh tradition...

--I've enjoyed Snatum in concert and did a workshop with her in NYC
She's done a lot more music featuring children. Here's her About page.
Interested in learning more about multicultural opportunities???
Eileen and I are part of several groups on Long Island that meet regularly to celebrate our diversities...FOOD is often a favorite way...and a popular meeting spot for one group is among the trees in the Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park in Great River.
Contact me if interested in learning more: ttittmann@icloud.com